Happy St. Nicholas Day / З Днем святого Миколая!
Differences between catholic and orthodox holidays
Did you know that catholic like Оrthodox and Greek Catholics also have their St. Nicholas Day?! Not many of you. Even less know some facts about any of them. Naturally, they have a lot in common; at the root of the holiday is the history of a man, who lived in III-IV centuries. He was called Nicholas and he was famous as a great servant of God. He was the Bishop of Myra in Lycia, He is believed to be the guardian of soldiers, travelers, students, sailors and archers. But there are some differences too.Firstly, appearance.
This is Catholic Saint Nicholas:

This is Orthodox Saint Nicholas:

Saint Nicholas
Saint Nicholas
Date of
The 6th of December
The 19th of
Western countries
Ukraine, Belarus, Russia
Match with
Santa Claus
Match with
Father Frost
Guardian of soldiers, travelers, students, sailors and archers.
Is also a
patron saint for children and gift-giving
Present giving
Put in
stockings, shoes or clothing
Put under
the pillow, for bad children twigs or coal were brought
Ancient tradition
Preparing stocking
on the eve.
Baked cookies
and presented to children, relatives
Happy Saint Nicholas Day!
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